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2024 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2024)

November 5-8, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand

The sustainable development of human society depends on resources. Addressing critical societal challenges, such as climate change, resource depletion, and environmental protection, requires sustainable management of resources using interdisciplinary approaches.

The International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS) series serve as an international platform for researchers and practitioners around the world with diverse background and expertise to share the most recent ideas, outcomes, and practices on resource sustainability.

icRS embraces interdisciplinarity, welcoming contributions from ANY discipline including natural sciences, social sciences, and engineering on ANY aspect of resource sustainability. We define resource broadly, including physical resources, biological resources, and "misplaced" resources:

  • physical resources: metals, non-metallic minerals, energy, water, etc.
  • biological resources: food, forestry, land, ecological systems, etc.
  • "misplaced" resources: air emissions, water pollutants, solid waste, etc.

icRS 2024, co-hosted by Thammasat University and Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, will include invited keynote speeches, parallel sessions, and poster presentations on a variety of topics related to resource sustainability.

To encourage participation, we will ONLY call for abstracts to submit for the conference. However, authors will have options to select to submit full papers in addition to abstracts to be considered for special issues in supporting journals.

We also welcome proposals to organize special sessions at icRS 2024.

icRS 2024 is in-person only. There will be no option for online presentations.

icRS 2024 is sponsored by the flagship journal in sustainable resources management Resources, Conservation & Recycling (RCR; 2023 Impact Factor: 11.2) and its sister journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances (RCRADV; 2023 Impact Factor: 5.4). High quality papers presented at icRS 2024 will be recommended to special issues in these journals as well as other supporting journals.

Important Dates

  • July 1, 2024: Deadline for submitting special session proposals
  • July 15, 2024: Acceptance notification for special session proposals
  • August 1 August 14, 2024: Deadline for abstract submission (abstracts will be reviewed periodically by the Scientific Committee on a rolling basis to allow enough time for travel plans)
  • August 15, 2024 September 1, 2024: Acceptance notification for abstracts
  • October 1, 2024 October 7, 2024: Early-bird registration ends (at least one author should register before Early Bird ends; otherwise an accepted abstract will be removed from the conference program and not be considered for journal special issues; an author can only register for no more than two accepted oral presentations)
  • October 15, 2024 October 31, 2024: Deadline for full paper submission (optional)
  • November 5-8, 2024: Conference
  • November 30, 2024: Invitation for journal special issues


icRS 2024 is pleased to have its Advisory Committee composed by the Editorial Boards of RCR and RCRADV and its Scientific Board composed by the Editors of RCR and RCRADV.

Advisory Committee (RCR and RCRADV Editorial Board)

  • Julian Allwood, University of Cambridge
  • Annick Anctil, Michigan State University
  • Sergio Angulo, University of Sao Paulo
  • Chunguang Bai, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
  • David Broadstock, National University of Singapore
  • Jorge de Brito, University of Lisbon Higher Technical Institute
  • Ichiro Daigo, University of Tokyo
  • Jo Dewulf, Ghent University
  • Liang Dong, City University of Hong Kong
  • Matthew Eckelman, Northeastern University
  • Jose-Luis Galvez-Martos, IMDEA Energy
  • Nishant Garg, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Alexandre Bacelar Gonçalves, University of Lisbon
  • Thomas Graedel, Yale University
  • Willi Haas, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
  • Seiji Hashimoto, Ritsumeikan University
  • Gang He, Baruch College, City University of New York
  • Monzur Imteaz, Swinburne University of Technology
  • Md Tasbirul Islam, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
  • Kannan Govindan, University of Southern Denmark
  • Alissa Kendall, University of California, Davis
  • Yasushi Kondo, Waseda University
  • Simonov Kusi-Sarpong, University of Southampton
  • Gang Liu, Peking University
  • Yanchen Liu, Tsinghua University
  • Rui Cunha Marques, University of Lisbon
  • Daniel Beat Müller, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Kok Siew Ng, University of Oxford
  • Chi-Sun Poon, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Helmut Rechberger, Vienna University of Technology
  • Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues,Cardiff University
  • Heinz Schandl, CSIRO
  • Lei Shen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Rafat Siddique, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology
  • Avishreshth Singh, India Institute of Technology Tirupati
  • Matthew Stasiewicz, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Guido Sonnemann, University of Bordeaux
  • Meng Sun, Tsinghua University
  • Valerie Thomas, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Jinping Tian, Tsinghua University
  • Timothy Townsend, University of Florida
  • Ian Vázquez-Rowe, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
  • Ming-hung Wong, The Education University of Hong Kong
  • Ernst Worrell, Utrecht University
  • Beidou Xi, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
  • Zhifeng Yang, Guangdong University of Technology
  • William Young, University of Leeds
  • Lixiao Zhang, Beijing Normal University
  • Tieyong Zuo, Beijing University of Technology

Scientific Committee (RCR and RCRADV Editors)

  • Gisele Azimi, University of Toronto
  • Fazleena Badurdeen, University of Kentucky
  • Krishna Prapoorna Biligiri, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
  • Zhi Cao, Nankai University
  • Wei-Qiang Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Steven De Meester, Ghent University
  • Xiangzheng Deng, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Elham Fini, Arizona State University
  • Luca Fraccascia, Sapienza University of Rome
  • Magnus Fröhling, Technical University of Munich
  • Pezhman Ghadimi, University College Dublin
  • Oliver Heidrich, Newcastle University
  • Andrea Hicks, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Melanie Jaeger-Erben, Brandenburg University of Technology
  • Mitchell Jones, Vienna University of Technology
  • Ramzy Kahhat, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
  • Vikas Khanna, University of Pittsburgh
  • Junbeum Kim, University of Applied Sciences Troyes
  • Shihong Lin, Vanderbilt University
  • Ruth Mugge, Delft University of Technology
  • Rupert Myers, Imperial College London
  • Keisuke Nansai, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
  • Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Sergio Pacca, University of Sao Paulo
  • Shen Qu, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • Veena Sahajwalla, University of New South Wales
  • Joseph Sarkis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Sabrina Spatari, Israel Institute of Technology
  • Gara Villalba, Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • George Wells, Northeastern University
  • Yufeng Wu, Beijing University of Technology
  • Yuan Yao, Yale University
  • Steven Young, University of Waterloo

Conference Co-Chairs

  • Tatre Jantarakolica, Thammasat University
  • Korbkul Jantarakolica, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • Anthnoy S. F. Chiu, De La Salle University

icRS General Chair

  • Ming Xu, Tsinghua University

Call for Submissions

icRS 2024 welcomes submissions of abstracts, full papers, and special session proposals on topics related to sustainable management of resources from any discipline.


All authors who wish to present at the conference should submit an abstract. Abstracts should be submitted in plain text with no more than 300 words. The abstract should be written in clear and concise English. At least one author of an accepted abstract should register in order to keep the presentation in the program.

Full papers (optional)

Only accepted abstracts can submit full papers. Full papers are optional, but are required if to be considered for either publishing in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Scopus indexed) or one of the special issues sponsoring icRS 2024. Full paper template can be downloaded here. If you like to publish your manuscript on the proceedings, please log in to your conftool account and navigate to the "Edit Your Registration Details to Purchase Your Publication for icRS" (marked yellow). Type in your full manuscript ID and make the payments accordingly.

Special session proposal

icRS 2024 welcomes proposals to organize special sessions which focus on topics that are highly relevant and timely to the conference. Special session organizers should solicit interested authors to prepare abstracts on related topics and, if the special session proposal is approved, coordinate submission of the abstracts. A special session is confirmed when the proposal is approved and at least four presentations are accepted and registered.

Special session proposal should include the proposed session title (no more than 80 characters with space), short acronym (no more than 20 characters), rationale of the special session (no more than 300 words), organizer(s) information (name, title, affiliation, email), and information on at least four expected presentations (title, author name, author affiliation).


Please submit your abstracts, special session proposals, or full papers via

Publication procedure

Authors who want their presentations to be considered for publication in the conference proceedings or one of the journals supporting the icRS 2024 conference (either special issue or regular issue) need to follow the publication procedure below.

  • Authors should submit full papers to the conference by the appropriate deadline.
  • The conference Scientific Committee will evaluate all submitted full papers and decide which paper is invited to which journal for consideration. The notification will be sent shortly after the conference.
  • The authors can choose whether to accept the invitation. Once submitted, invited papers will go through the appropriate editorial and review processes by the corresponding journals. Receiving an invitation does not guarantee publication.
  • If the authors choose to publish the submitted full paper in the conference proceedings (different from journal publications), additional fees will be applied (details can be found in the "Proceedings" below). A paper published in the conference proceedings can still be considered for journal publications, but substantial differences should be made.


ISSN: 1755-1315

The open access IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Scopus indexed) provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service. To initiate the publication process, authors are required to pay an article processing charge of 95 USD per submitted article. This fee is non-refundable and does not guarantee publication in the IOP Conference Series. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by the conference committee to ensure adherence to professional and scientific standards. Manuscripts accepted by the conference committee will then be forwarded to IOP Publishing for an additional review process. IOP Publishing will conduct a thorough evaluation of the forwarded manuscripts, and the final decision on publication (acceptance, revision, or rejection) will be made by their editorial team. Acceptance by the conference committee does not automatically ensure publication in the IOP Conference Series. Please refer to the following instructions for paper template and the author guideline. If you like to publish your manuscript on the proceedings, please log in to your conftool account and navigate to the "Edit Your Registration Details to Purchase Your Publication for icRS" (marked yellow). Type in your full manuscript ID and make the payments accordingly.

Registration Information

Registration Link

To register, please visit

Registration Fees

  • Early Bird rate (on or before October 7, 2024)
    • Regular: US$500
    • Student: US$400
  • Full rate (after October 7, 2024)
    • Regular: US$750
    • Student: US$650

At least one author should register before Early Bird ends; otherwise an accepted abstract will be removed from the conference program and not be considered for journal special issues. An author can only register for no more than two accepted oral presentations.

To be qualified for the student rates, attendees will be asked to provide evidence of student status at registration (e.g., letter from school authority, student ID card showing name and expiration date).

Cancellation and Refund

Cancellations received by the conference secretariat in writing (email) will be accepted. 75% of the registration fee will be refunded if cancellation is received before October 7, 2024. After October 7, 2024, no refund will be issued for cancellation.

Supporting Journals (updating)

These journals (more to come) will support icRS 2024 by inviting selected papers to submit for regular or special issues.

Conference Program

The final program is now available for download. Please verify your presentation information.

Presentation Instructions

  • Oral presentation: Each oral presentation is limited to 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes for questions (15 minutes in total). Please bring a flash drive with your presentation file (MS PowerPoint files preferred) to the conference.
  • Poster presentation: The recommended poster size is 1 x 1.2 m or less.

The conference Abstract Book can be downloaded here.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers

René VAN BERKEL (PhD) is a leading international sustainability, innovation and industrial development professional with over 35 years international experience with a particular focus on resource efficiency and circular economy. Dr Van Berkel currently holds a position of international expert faculty in sustainability and innovation at the School of Global Studies, Thammasat University (Bangkok, Thailand). Moreover, he works as Senior Expert (Circular Economy) particularly in South East Asia, contributing, amongst others to the EU SWITCH Asia Policy Support Component on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Dr Van Berkel worked at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in the roles of UNIDO Representative and Head of the Regional Office in India (Feb 2017-Aug 2023), Chief Technical Advisor on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Indonesia (June 2015 – Feb 2017) and Chief of Cleaner and Sustainable Production Unit (May 2008 – June 2015).From 2006 to 2008, Dr Van Berkel operated independently and completed assignments in evaluation and programme development for UNIDO, UNEP, UNU and ESCAP and applied research consultancies for leading research institutes and private sector in Australia and Japan. From 1999 to 2006, Dr Van Berkel was Australia’s first full Professor of Cleaner Production located at Curtin University of Technology. From 1989 to 1999 René held various applied research and leadership roles at the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Dr Van Berkel is an interdisciplinary environmentalist by education with a PhD in Environmental Science from the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Masters and Bachelor in Environmental Hygiene from the Agricultural State University (Wageningen, The Netherlands).

Keynote Speech: Circular Economy from Ambition to Business Action: a case for science for sustainability illustrated for Southeast Asia

Dr. Makov investigates the potential to address social and environmental challenges through sustainable technologies, business practices, and consumption shifts. Adopting a systems approach, she draws from the fields of Industrial ecology, Data science, and Behavioural economics, and combines methods including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), machine learning, and psychological experiments. Her goal is to generate insights informing theory, policy, and real-world decision making on issues such as digitalization, sustainable food systems, and the circular economy.Makov’s work has been published in high impact journals including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Nature Climate Change, and Nature communications, and is funded by multiple sources including the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Internet Society Foundation, Israeli Science Foundation (ISF), and the German - Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF). Makov is the head of the Circular Economy lab and a tenured faculty member at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU). She holds a PhD and MA in Environmental Management from Yale University, and a B.Sc. in Nutrition science from HUJI.

Keynote Speech: Expected vs. actual environmental benefits of alternative provisioning systems

Known widely to business and public for his previous role as the Vice President of Thailand Environment Institute (TEI), and Executive Director of Thailand Business Council for Sustainable Development (TBCSD). Dr. Chaiyod Bunyagidj engaged intensively with corporate environmental and social responsibility as well as the national policy and strategy for sustainable development. He worked closely with government agencies, private sectors and international organizations, and handled many projects in the areas of environmental management system and auditing, sustainable consumption and production, eco-labeling, green procurement, eco-efficiency including education for sustainable development and capacity building. His contribution to society was well recognized through his responsibility as advisor, committee member, working group member, and many positions for public/private organizations and programs. Dr. Chaiyod is currently a Board Member of the Asia Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP) and Advisor for International Green Purchasing Network (IGPN). Recently he has been invited to join Thai SCP Network as Vice President.

Keynote Speech: SCP Towards SD: Thailand Experiences

Professor Krishna Prapoorna is an internationally accomplished academician with over 20 years of combined research, teaching, and administrative experience in India, USA, and Sweden. He is currently a Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati, India. His expertise embodies multitude aspects of sustainable transportation infrastructure, innovative materials, performance monitoring, asset management, and circular economy, chiefly supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG). He serves as: Associate Editor of the Elsevier’s Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal; Associate Editor of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; Associate Editor of the Taylor & Francis’ International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design; Editorial Board Member of the American Society for Testing and Materials International Journal of Testing and Evaluation; Associate Editor of the Springer Nature Innovative Infrastructure Solutions. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (India). Further, he also serves as an External Faculty Member at Purdue University and Adjunct Professor of Arizona State University, USA. Currently, he is one of the Co-Chairs of the USA-based Transportation Research Board subcommittee on Pavement Lifecyle, and EU-based RILEM task group chair of the committee focused on field evaluation of alternative pavement design and performance. Further, he is Vice President (South Asia) of the international Society for Maintenance And Rehabilitation of Transport infrastructures (iSMARTi). He is associated with various international societies such as the USA-based NAE, ASTM International, RILEM, ASCE, IRF, iSMARTi, etc.

Keynote Speech: Plastic-Rubber Conglomerates for Green Road Infrastructure Applications: A Multidimensional Solution for Resourceful Consumption

Dr. Junbeum KIM is an associate professor in CREIDD-Interdisciplinary research on transition towards sustainable socio-technical systems UR InSyTE (Interdisciplinary research on Society-Technology-Environment Interactions)at University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), France. He is conducting research about environmental footprints and mappings in urban system, life cycle assessment and material flow analysis, sustainable resource management in emerging wastes, and development of carbon reduction factors etc. Currently, he is an IEP (Independent Evaluation Panel) expert for the EUREKA and Eurostar3 project. Also, as an associate editor, he is working for Resources, Conservation & Recycling. He holds a Ph.D. from Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University (U.S.) on December in 2008, a Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University (U.S.) and Environmental Engineering from Inha University in South Korea. After 2 years Post-Doc. experiences in University of California, Santa Barbara and University of Minnesota, he joined University of Technology of Troyes in France.

Keynote Speech: Evaluating Urban Impact: Insights from Environmental Footprint Analysis

Dr. Yutao Wang is a professor in environmental system engineering at Fudan University, and Deputy Dean of the Shanghai Energy and Carbon Neutrality Strategy Research Institute, and Deputy Director of the Fudan Tyndall Center. He has authored over 120 papers in leading journals such as Nature, Environmental Science & Technology, and Global Environmental Change. His recent contributions include co-authoring the United Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) 2024 Global Bioeconomy Assessment, which focuses on the coordinated efforts of policy, innovation, and sustainability for a greener future. Dr. Wang's research addresses key sustainability challenges, including the role of bioeconomy in advancing sustainable industrial practices and reducing global land-use emissions and impacts on the ecosystem and biodiversity. He has led significant research projects, including the National Key R&D Program, and the UNEP-NSFC International Cooperation project. Dr. Wang also serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cleaner Production and has received numerous accolades, including the National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation and the UK Newton Advanced Fellowship, for his leadership in promoting sustainable development and carbon neutrality.

Keynote Speech: Global Bioeconomy Assessment: Coordinated Efforts of Policy, Innovation, and Sustainability for a Greener Future


Thammasat University

Thammasat University (TU) is a public research university in Thailand with campuses in Tha Phra Chan, Rangsit, Pattaya and Lampang Province. Thammasat is Thailand's second oldest university.The university is renowned for its progressive outlook. Thammasat University consistently ranks well globally, making it a preferred choice for students seeking quality education in Southeast Asia.

Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin

Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) is a member university of the Rajamangala University of Technology (RMUT) group, which comprises nine universities. RMUTR operates under the jurisdiction of the Commission on Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education of Thailand. The university encompasses several colleges, including the College of Arts, College of Business Administration, College of Architecture and Design, College of Tourism and Hotel Management, College of Information Industry, and College of Resource and Environmental Development, among others.


Mandarin Hotel

The Mandarin Hotel is situated in the heart of Metro Bangkok (662 Rama IV Rd., Bang Rak, Bangkok 10500) closed to the MRT subway and the BTS Skytrain. All the Plenary and Parallel Sessions will be hold at the 1st floor of Mandarin Hotel (Mandarin Grand Ballroom, Mandarin A, B, C room, Budsaba room, Karaked room, Rodsukon room, and Kannika room). The Coffee Break will be hold at the Foyer, the Lunch will be at the Hotel Restaurant, and the Dinner will be at the Mandarin AB.


Travel, Accommodation and Visa

International Flights to Bangkok

Bangkok has two main international airports: Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) and Don Mueang Airport (DMK). Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) is about 22mile (36km) away from the Mandarin Hotel. You can take the Airport Rail Link (ARL) from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Phaya Thai station and then transfer to the BTS Skytrain (Sukhumvit Line) to reach the hotel (Ideo Q Samyan station). The trip is about 45-55 min. You can also choose to take the shuttle bus, taxi or rideshare (Uber and Grab) based on your schedule or location of the hotel. Don Mueang Airport (DMK) is about 16mile (26km) away from the Mandarin Hotel. You can choose to take the SRT Red Line commuter train from the airport to the city terminates in the northern part of the city and then transfer to the MRT, which could be time consuming. Taking one of Don Mueang Airport shuttle buses would be a better option if you are willing to use public transportation for getting into the city from DMK Airport. Similarly, you could also get to the hotel through taxi or rideshare.


The Mandarin Hotel is ideally situated in the heart of Metro Bangkok within easy proximity to all major attractions such as the popular MBK Shopping Center, Siam Paragon, Central World, Thaniya Plaza and famous entertainment center like Patpong. The Grand Palace and Chinatown are just a few minutes away. You will be able to travel around Bangkok via the MRT subway and the BTS Skytrain.

If you would like to reserve a room at the Mandarin Hotel, please use this form to receive a discounted rate. This offer is valid until October 5th, 2024.

Other hotels nearby
  • Samyan Serene Hotel (0.1 miles/0.2km from the Mandarin Hotel), 38, Sri Phra Ya, Maha Phruetharam, Bangrak, Bang Rak, 10500 Bangkok, Thailand
  • Triple Y Hotel (0.3 mile/0.5km from the Mandarin Hotel), 948 Rama IV Road, Wangmai Pathumwan, Pathumwan, 10330 Bangkok, Thailand
  • Bed By City Hotel (0.3 mile/0.5km from the Mandarin Hotel), 59/1-5, Suksan Alley, Sap road, Khwaeng Si Phraya, Khet Bang Rak, Bang Rak, 10500 Bangkok, Thailand
  • dusitD2 Samyan Bangkok (0.4 miles/0.6km from the Mandarin Hotel), 333 Si Phraya Road, Si Phraya, Bang Rak, Bang Rak, 10500 Bangkok, Thailand
  • iSanook Bangkok (0.5 miles/0.8km from the Mandarin Hotel), 118, 118/8 Soi Songpra, Siphaya Road, Mahapruttaram, Bangrak, Bang Rak, 10500 Bangkok, Thailand
  • Mercure Bangkok Surawong (0.7 miles/1km from the Mandarin Hotel), 222 Surawong Road Si Phraya Bangrak District, Bang Rak, 10500 Bangkok, Thailand


Visa invitation letter will be available for download in the registration system after you complete the online registration.